Storming into the New Year

Happy New Year, everyone!

To you and yours, our best wishes for the new year. With all this new snow, we can’t wait to have you aboard and along for a great ride.

— Ken & Co.

Heli skiing: Just a few weeks ’til lift-off

We look forward to seeing Kimber Warder, Chief Pilot of South Coast Helicopter, and the snazzy A-Star B2 arrive in the last week of January for another spectacular season of heli skiing. Jason Keen, our lead helicopter guide, recovering from shoulder surgery, is expected to return to the skies in late February to early March.

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Snowcats & food waste

It is our experience from the past few seasons that people aren’t consuming the sandwiches we provide during cat skiing, so we’re changing the system.

From here on out, we will provide a variety of snacks and plenty water via our complimentary water bottles. Please bring the lunch entrée you enjoy while you ski. We will also have an assortment of Costco-sourced ramens, burritos, and other snacks up in the lodge and available upon request. These items will be delivered to cats by support when appropriate and available from the clubhouse as cats rotate by.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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We’re excited for cool developments in the avalanche field. On the public safety side, we’re stoked to become Professional Observers for Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center (IPAC). (A link to IPAC’s avalanche forecast can also be found on our “Weather & Webcams” page.) Our observations will be used by forecasters to develop their reports and to published in social media for public consumption.

In the education pit, Kevin Stolbrock, AIARE Course Leader, is excited to be teaching with Jason Keen and John Reese, both newly-minted Course Instructors. We are actively teaching AIARE 1 and Rescue, and we’re looking forward to teaching Pro 1 and Course Instructor levels as well in the near future.

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Best experience possible

It’s go time! With all the changes swirling about Schweitzer and Selkirk Powder, there will be a learning curve; please don’t hesitate to call with questions about parking, lodging, weather conditions, required gear (some tour pages contain checklists), and how to find us in Schweitzer Village. Our goal is to provide you with the best experience possible. We look forward to seeing you this winter.

From all of us at Selkirk Powder: Happy 2022!